Tag: mac

PhotoActive #153: M3 Macs

Are the new M3-based Macs that Apple just released good choices for photographers? We talk about it at the PhotoActive podcast.

Take Control of Your Digital Storage v2.3

The latest version of my book on digital storage on the Mac is updated and expanded for macOS Ventura and macOS Sonoma.

Managing Your Files 2ed on MacVoices

Chuck Joiner and I talk about my new book Take Control of Managing Your Files, Second Edition.

WWDC with an Eye Toward Photography

Apple announced the new M2-powered MacBook Air at WWDC this week, but what else is of interest to photographers, specifically related to computational photography? I look at some features to come in my latest Smarter Image column at Popular Photography.

Refresh Your Old AirPods with a Podswap

After using my original-model AirPods nearly every day for three years, the batteries finally got to the point where they would deplete after only 20 minutes or so. I replaced them with a set of AirPods Pro, and put the first set into a drawer (next to an old iSight camera). I didn’t want to ...

Take Control of Managing Your Files

Is your macOS desktop filled with file icons? Do you even know a desktop picture is hiding behind them?!? Perhaps you need to take control of managing your files.

Take Control of Your Digital Storage, Second Edition

The topic of storage in your Mac mostly recedes into the background. Until something goes wrong. Or you need more of it. Or you get a new computer and realize that what you really should do is re-evaluate your entire storage system. So you dig in…and it’s like opening a wall in your house. Which ...

Take Control of Your Digital Storage Updated

My book Take Control of Your Digital Storage has just been updated to version 1.1. The 127-page ebook answers your questions about SSDs, hard drives, NAS, and more on the Mac. As I wrote when the book first appeared: Hang on. Did he just say storage?? You better believe it. You probably don’t think too ...

macOS 10.15 Catalina Release Advice

Hi friends and family! It's me, your friendly Mac tech expert with an update on the latest version of macOS, Catalina. Read this before you upgrade.

How to Be Smart about Applying Apple Updates

After two friends were bit hard by Apple updates, I wrote about best practices to help ensure iOS and macOS updates go smoothly in my latest Seattle Times column.