Tag: storage

Take Control of Storage Prime Day Deals

Coinciding with the release of the new version of Take Control of Your Digital Storage, I've put together some current Amazon.com Prime Day storage deals.

Take Control of Your Digital Storage v2.3

The latest version of my book on digital storage on the Mac is updated and expanded for macOS Ventura and macOS Sonoma.

Talking Digital Storage at MacVoices

On the latest MacVoices, I talk about the latest revision to my book Take Control of Your Digital Storage

Take Control of Your Digital Storage v2.2

You'd think the topic of storage would be pretty unchanging, but that's not the case at all. I've revised the book in several ways to bring the book up to speed on the latest changes in macOS and associated storage.

Take Control of Storage 2nd Edition on MacVoices

One of the pleasures of releasing new projects is the knowledge that I’ll get to talk to Chuck Joiner at MacVoices about it. I’ll be deep into the end stages of a deadline and I’ll get an email from Chuck: “Hey, I hear you’re about to release something new. Want to talk about it on ...

Take Control of Your Digital Storage, Second Edition

The topic of storage in your Mac mostly recedes into the background. Until something goes wrong. Or you need more of it. Or you get a new computer and realize that what you really should do is re-evaluate your entire storage system. So you dig in…and it’s like opening a wall in your house. Which ...

Take Control of Your Digital Storage Updated

My book Take Control of Your Digital Storage has just been updated to version 1.1. The 127-page ebook answers your questions about SSDs, hard drives, NAS, and more on the Mac. As I wrote when the book first appeared: Hang on. Did he just say storage?? You better believe it. You probably don’t think too ...

Backups for Busy Creatives at CreativePro

It may not be an exciting topic, but it’s a necessary one: backups. You know you need them, and maybe you have some pieces of a backup system in place, but it can take a lot of figuring to come up with a good plan, so you may have put it off. (Speaking from experience, ...

NAS: What to Know Before Buying

My approach to storing all of my digital files—from documents to terabytes of digital photos—has been pretty straightforward over the years. I buy new hard drives when the old ones fill up. It’s helped that drive prices have steadily declined per-gigabyte. But that’s left me with a lot of unused drives lying around, and active ...

What APFS Does for You, and What You Can Do with APFS

By necessity, a sizable chunk of my new book Take Control of Your Digital Storage talks about file systems, and Apple’s new APFS (Apple File System). APFS is installed automatically on Macs with solid-state storage (SSD) when upgrading to macOS High Sierra. But what does APFS do? Why would Apple change the fundamental technology behind ...