Back Issues of Photoshop Elements Techniques

The entire back issue archive of Photoshop Elements Techniques is now available for download.

For several years, I was a semi-regular contributor to a great magazine called Photoshop Elements Techniques. At the same time, I also wrote several editions of the Photoshop Elements Visual QuickStart Guide for Peachpit Press. Alas, both entities are now gone, but there’s a silver lining.

My friend Rick LePage, who was the publisher and editor in chief of PET, has made all of the back issues available as PDF files and built a searchable index to find specific articles that were published. My vanity search for “Carlson” brought up all 9 articles I wrote, from “Round Up Those Pixels with the Lasso Tools” to “Unlocking Layer Styles.”

(The back issues are hosted at Complete Digital Photography, which Rick runs, and where I recently published two blog posts: Using DNG Converter with Lightroom 6 and new cameras, and Landscapes in red: the work of Melissa D. Jones.)

If you were a PET subscriber and no longer have the printed issues—or you want the great information but not all the paper—this is a fantastic resource. What’s also good is that a lot of the information is probably still relevant; Elements hasn’t, uh, changed a whole lot over the years, aside from a visual redesign in 2012 with version 11. At the same time, it’s still a powerful photo editor that does most of what Photoshop CC can do, at a cheaper price (and no subscription).

Remember that all the content remains copyrighted, so these back issues aren’t for posting or excerpting without permission. See the FAQ for details.

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