Tag: video editing

Create a Short Video Using Premiere Rush CC

My latest article for CreativePro.com is a how-to piece. Have you ever been asked to whip together a video, but you don’t have any experience doing so? Or maybe you’re embarking on your own YouTube channel or video podcast. I share an overview of the process of creating a short video using Adobe’s new Premiere ...

Premiere Rush Review at Download.com

Do you look at YouTube videos and think, "Jeez, I could do that!" Adobe thinks you can, too, using its new Premiere Rush application for Mac, Windows, and iOS.


Open iMovie iOS Projects in iMovie on the Mac

At last, it’s possible to take a movie you’ve edited in iMovie on an iPad or iPhone and bring it to iMovie on the Mac and pick up where you left off. Serenity Caldwell at iMore explains how to do it. This is a capability iMovie had quite a while ago that disappeared with iMovie ...


New Article: The Best Hidden Features of iMovie for iOS

iMovie for iOS has come a long way in a short time. Over at the Peachpit Press site, I reveal the best hidden (or at the very least undiscovered) features of the mobile editor: The Best Hidden Features of iMovie for iOS. Did you know you can crop video clips, create picture-in-picture and split-screen effects, ...


Bentley Ad Shot on iPhone 5s, Assembled on iPad

Bentley’s new luxury car includes iPads built into the back seating area (which use Bluetooth keyboards and rise automatically—perfect for the executive blogger who’s stuck in traffic while being chauffeured). To keep with the spirit, the company shot the commercial below using iPhone 5s and assembled the footage using those built-in iPads. A quick behind-the-scenes ...


Macworld Reviews iMovie 10

Serenity Caldwell reviewed the new iMovie 10 for Macworld: iMovie 10 review: a lot to like, a few quibbles. As a longtime iMovie user (and author of several books and articles about it), here’s one line that particularly stood out: The app’s fast enough now that it doesn’t need you to downscale your HD clips ...


New iMovie Doesn’t Open iMovie iOS Projects

Serenity Caldwell at Macworld digs into a curious omission in the new iMovie 10.0 for Mac: It no longer opens projects created on the iOS version of iMovie (which itself was also updated last week). She talked to someone at Apple who confirmed that the feature will return in a future update. Also, iMovie won’t ...