Month: December 2012


Comic Confusion and Frustration

For several years, my lovely wife has given me a graphic novel for Christmas. Before we had our daughter, I’d enjoy spending Christmas Day next to the fireplace reading. (That’s more difficult now with a four-year-old.) Although I read comic books as a kid, I never got into them deeply, and so I have a ...


Article: How to make DVDs as holiday gifts

Macworld asked me to write an article about making DVDs as holiday gifts, which is interesting in light of the fact that nearly all Macs sold today don’t include an optical drive. Still, a DVD makes a great gift that most people will be able to view (since not everyone has broadband Internet access to ...


Instagram’s Terms of Service

I wrote a few quick thoughts about the news of Instagram’s terms of service changes over at my blog: What’s Missing from the Instagram Rights Discussion.

Waffles on Instagram

What’s Missing from the Instagram Rights Discussion

Instagram is getting a lot of attention today for a change in its terms of service that gives the company (now owned by Facebook) the ability to include users’ photos in advertisements. TechHive has an overview, and here’s the wording in question: “To help us deliver interesting paid or sponsored content or promotions, you agree ...


Tobias Buckell, “How I used Kickstarter to reboot a book series, and my career (and maybe my life?)”

But rejection and failure are just business. It means you tried. And you’ll never get a win if you don’t at least swing for one.


The Insourcing Boom and Apple’s Influence

Charles Fishman’s excellent article “The Insourcing Boom” in The Atlantic never mentions Apple — save for one instance of “iPhone” used for its apparent sleekness — but the company’s ethos is everywhere. Fishman writes about how GE has moved manufacturing of some of its products like washing machines and refrigerators back to the United States ...


1Password 4 for iOS: Overhauled and Improved

Glenn Fleishman looks at the new features of this essential utility. I use it every day on my Mac and iOS devices. Can’t live without it.